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Intuitive Wellness Consulting

TACT Trim Consulting 
 (The  Anatomically Correct Trim)

Meet Holly

Intuitive Equine Wellness & TACT Consultant
(TACT = The Anatomically Correct Trim)

Holly has been crazy about horses since she realized they existed.  


Little did she know the extensive journey she would be taking, due to her deep love for her horse, Lana.  

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What I Specialize In

The Journey Towards Your Equine's Health,Wellness and Happiness Begins With A Commitment To Success.

Begin Your Journey Today.

I originally met Holly in 2023 when I contacted her to do an intuitive reading for myself, and we got onto the subject of my horse, Faulkan.
Holly has been an incredible resource as I navigate this journey to bring all three of my horses back to full wellness and soundness with special focus on restoring their feet to their full, anatomically correct state.
When I started working with Holly,  my horse, Faulkan was not rideable.  I had been trying, in vain, for the previous 2 years to restore his feet back to how they were previous to a trimmer I didn't know doing a number on him while he was way for training in Florida.  
At one time his vet thought he might not survive due to his soles being only 2mm thick. 
I worked with Holly to figure out exactly what would bring him back to wellness as quickly as possible.
She told me exactly what the issues were, and gave me pertinent information no one else had even mentioned, (this includes several professional trimmers, vets, and trainers). 
I started learning everything about TACT, and learned how to restore Faulkan's feet with the help of Holly and the TACT teachings.  â€‹
In just a few months, he was rideable again, and in the end of 2024 we were able to participate in a dressage clinic!  The trainer, (a well known trainer/veterinarian from Germany), even praised Faulkan for his high quality natural movement/gates! 
​All 3 of my horses are now happily galloping around the pasture, moving better than they have in years.  I am thoroughly enjoying seeing the changes happening to their entire bodies as a result of the restoration of their feet.
I thank God for leading me to Holly and TACT every single day!

- Lee Doran Thornton

I have worked with Holly both areas, (Equine Wellness/Health Consultation, and TACT Consulting).  
She has been an invaluable resource to me on numerous occasions with both my pony and my horse.
Lately we have been working on my pony's feet.  â€‹We discussed what he needed before I trimmed him,  and I trimmed him accordingly. 
I could not believe the difference in his feet AND his demeanor right away the next day!
I was literally shocked!
I'm looking very forward to finishing fully restoring his feet, and I now feel I have a huge start in the right direction!

-Shawn Klamcke

Since April 2024, Holly has been an invaluable help with my mare's hooves. Before she started working with us, I felt stuck at times and doubted my abilities every now and then. Holly's expertise and encouragement have made a world of difference. My mare Bibi has made huge progress, and I feel much more confident in my skills. Holly, your support and guidance have been a beacon of hope during times of doubt. You have not only improved my horse's well-being but also fortified my confidence. Thank you for everything you do. Your help is truly invaluable.

-Mari Bert

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